The 9 Best Places to Find Freelance Jobs Online

Freelancers: What is one of the best places to find freelance jobs online and why? I asked the freelance community where they’re finding the most work. Here’s what they recommend:


As long as you are qualified, LinkedIn is a great place to find work for freelancers. You do a great job for one company, they tell some people, you do a great job for them, and it grows. Many people send cold messages on LinkedIn to make a living freelancing, and this is effective as well. However, you have to be ok with a lot of rejection if you intend to take this route. After enough successful gigs, more gigs will come on their own through referrals. 

Eric Florence, Security Tech


The best place to find IT-related freelancer work is Flexjobs as the platform is trusted and provides a very reliable and powerful search engine that helps you find the best jobs. You can find various kinds of IT jobs and all of the jobs are highly vetted. They thoroughly checked for employment scams to help you avoid wasting your time and efforts. You need to pay a monthly fee to be on this platform, but it’s worth it.

Caroline Lee, CocoSign


One of the best places to get started with freelancing is with AWAI. It's an organization that teaches you how to create profitable writing. The problem isn't finding freelance writing work but making it pay enough that you can do it full-time. AWAI offers a cheap introductory price where you can learn and get started.

Those that go further with it can be linked to mentors and well-paying freelance jobs. This requires a little investment but it is still affordable for most budgets and you can opt-out of anything you don't want.

Baruch Labunski, Rank Secure


Fiverr is the ideal service for freelancers to find work online. Fiverr is a digital marketplace for freelance jobs. Users can create an account and start selling their services. Freelancers post a gig (the service they are selling) and buyers search for people selling the task they need to complete. Fiverr offers a great opportunity for freelancers to reach a wide market and develop a customer base. Sellers get to set their own prices but Fiverr does take a 20% fee of the gig payout. 

Liza Kirsh, DYMAPAK


One of the lesser-known approaches is Twitter. Twitter has incredible micro-communities, and you simply need to search for the area and the job within Twitter search.

For example, 'freelance SEO Jobs' or 'freelancer required' or 'freelance request' immediately brings up quality job opportunities by agencies and businesses on the lookout for a freelancer they can add to their network.

James Taylor, James Taylor SEO Consultancy

Communities on Facebook

If you're anything like me you've scoured job sites, signed up as a virtual assistant/freelancer on every pay-per-hour platform, and still had no consistency in your business. When I stopped to consider who I wanted to work for/with and where they hung out, I began joining Facebook groups specific to those niches. It's become an amazing resource not only to reach out directly to people in need, but to research common issues my ideal clients are having and address those concerns in my content. This shows your clients you're up to date not only with the trends of your industry, but the needs of the people you serve.

Katie McGuire, The Tech Goddess®


ProBlogger is great because it’s a regularly updated database of specific blog writing jobs. Because the site covers such a niche job sector, it eliminates the need to filter out the vast array of other writing jobs. All of the jobs are paying ones; no unpaid internships etc. The database also only posts jobs that pay $75 and above.

Karl Hughes, Draft.Dev


Upwork is a fantastic resource for freelance work. Upwork is the largest online talent solution platform connecting businesses and skilled professionals. Users can find work from anywhere across the globe in multiple industries. There’s also plenty of work to go around, as it offers entry-level opportunities up to highly advanced projects with small companies and established brands. You can find freelance jobs on Upwork in design, sales, writing, accounting, marketing, and much more.

Ray Leon, Pet Insurance Review

It probably doesn't come to mind initially but is one of the best places to find freelance work. You do technically have to be a company to join, but most freelancers are. The people looking are generally professionals and expect to pay reasonable rates compared to the race to the bottom mentality some sites have.

Robert Lowdon, Robert Lowdon Photography

Need help making a splash on these favorite places to find freelance jobs online? My latest freelance course was made to help you shine. Learn how to market yourself as a freelancer so you can start getting work online and locally. It’s on sale now for a limited time.

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